
Delivered by UCL, the University of Exeter and Anna Freud

The evaluation team is a partnership between UCL, the University of Exeter and Anna Freud. The team is carrying out an evaluation of Kailo so that we can learn from the experiences in Newham and Northern Devon.


The aim of this evaluation is to learn more about how and why Kailo works in local areas, and to learn more about young people’s experiences of taking part in Kailo. We hope that our findings will help us to improve Kailo before we launch it in new places. 

Two people evaluating something together


Young Person’s Advisory Group

There are two Kailo advisory groups, one in Newham and one in North Devon. Both groups are helping to shape the evaluation of Kailo. We think it’s important for young people to be involved in every step of this evaluation as we recognise we can’t do this work without them!

Two older teens looking at a laptop. One is Asian and one is wearing a headscard

“The YPAG is a space for creatively evaluating the Kailo Project through collaboration and open conversation. It enables us to look into the work being done in a constructive way, with all having an overarching goal of improving life for those with mental health issues.”

(North Devon YPAG member) 

What have we been doing?

The Young Person’s Advisory Groups (YPAGs) meet every month and take part in a range of activities to shape the evaluation. These include: 

As the evaluation continues, we will be helping to facilitate group discussions, providing feedback on research findings and helping to share everything we have learned. 

Some of our group members have written blogs about their experiences of being involved in the Kailo YPAG, which you can read here and here. 

some of the words used by group members to describe the North Devon YPAG

Our People

Anna March Bio

Dr Anna March

Kailo Research Fellow at Exeter University

University of Exeter
Dr Kate Allen Bio

Dr Kate Allen

Kailo Research Fellow at Exeter University

University of Exeter
Bianca Alexandrescu Bio

Bianca Alexandrescu

Research Assistant at UCL

University College London
Rachael Stemp Bio

Rachael Stemp

Participation in Research Officer

Anna Freud Centre

Professor Vashti Berry

Oversight and Coordination of Evaluation

University of Exeter

Professor Steve Pilling

Oversight and Coordination of Evaluation

University College London


Our partners